Cosmetic Line / Laser Therapy
Medio Laser Combi |
The MEDIO LASER COMBI is a universal low level therapy laser compatible with both continuous and pulsed laser probes.
The pulsed laser probe emitting the wavelength of 904 nm gives the clinician the ability to deliver more energy, deeper and faster than any other probe, providing the power necessary to treat deeper musculoskeletal conditions, fractures and deep seated pain.
A wide range of continuous laser probes is available with the MEDIO LASER COMBI. The therapist can choose among the wavelengths of 650, 780, 810 and 830 nm, and output powers of 30, 50, 100 and 200 mW. A variety of tips specially designed to be used in dentistry, dermatology or gynecology makes the access to the difficult-to-reach areas much easier.
Medical Line
Cosmetic Line
B/H/S Partners